Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is persistent and controlling behaviour by a partner or ex-partner which causes physical, sexual and/or emotional harm. It often gets worse over time. It is very common. In most cases, it is experienced by women and is perpetrated by men.
We understand that domestic abuse is not an isolated incident – not a fight or an argument. There may be no bruises. It is often a pattern of dominating and isolating someone through fear and threats or by undermining their self-confidence and self-esteem.
We recognise that the effects of domestic abuse are wide-ranging and impacts on health, safety, prevents women and children being able to stay in their own home, limits their education and work opportunities.
If you or your children are in any danger contact the police. You can contact them in an emergency by dialling 999 or to report a crime by dialling 101.
Or you can report domestic abuse to Police Scotland remotely
The police should treat domestic abuse as a high priority. They should respond quickly and sensitively to all of these issues so that you, and any children you may have, are safe.
Everyone has the right to live without fear and threats. We can assist where appropriate by obtaining civil court orders which are designed to protect you from further abuse or to help you stay in your home. For further advice about obtaining any of the following court orders please make an appointment with our solicitors Gillian Baker or Paul Gostelow.
• Domestic Abuse interdict
• Power of arrest
• Exclusion order
• Matrimonial Homes Interdict
• Non Harassment Order
Children can be affected by seeing or hearing domestic abuse or by being hurt themselves. Arrangements may have to be made for children to have contact with the parent that no longer lives with them. The law says that the child’s welfare is the paramount consideration and it may be appropriate to consider the need to protect a child from abuse or the risk of abuse which might affect them. For further advice please make an appointment with our Gillian Baker or Paul Gostelow. Offering popular women’s necklaces such as pendants chokers and chain necklaceThis post is sponsored by our partners Wigs Shop for jewelry in a variety of metals and gemstones to suit any occasion
Women and children can recover from the effects of domestic abuse and move on with their lives particularly with the assistance of various support services. For more information please give us a call or see the links below:
Scottish Women’s Aid
Women’s Aid South Lanarkshire
Glasgow Women’s Aid
Monklands Women’s Aid
EVA Services
Police Scotland
Useful numbers:
Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre:
01698 527003
Rape Crisis Scotland National Helpline:
08088 01 03 02 (daily 6pm to midnight)
Police Family Protection Unit
North Lanarkshire: 01698 483095/6
South Lanarkshire: 01698 202536
Scottish Domestic Abuse Helpline
0800 027 1234 (24 hours)
Victim Information and Advice
01698 206972 (Hamilton)
0141 420 8798 (Airdrie)
Victim Support
01698 301111 (South Lanarkshire)
01698 336565 (North Lanarkshire)
What to do next...
To speak with one of our Solicitors call us on 01698 307170 or email us.
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